Career Management – “Where do you see you self’s in the next five years?”

Ever witnessed the birth of a child or have you seen a child growing up? I am sure in our ongoing life we have come across one of this metaphor. A growing up a child is like an amount of clay potter uses to design a pot as just like the potter can shape the clay into whatever pattern he wants to just like that a child can be mended into a number of ways parents want to as it is his learning stage.

Those values they inherit at that time sticks like a magnet to their mind for rest of their life cycle. So, Can we call this management by the parents to give an upbringing to their little ones? Sure it can be, one tends to follow the path shown by others in a time like lack of sensibility. Not everyone swallows the same principles, just as you look up- turn your face left and right- you can see different personalities lurking around. Career Management a word that has a number of personalities inside it. Everyone intends to describe the means of it as they are acknowledging it as I am doing one.

There is a specific point in our life where we have played much, studied much and now are waiting for an important cycle in our life which is not marriage, not which diet to follow but it is the thought of going through which lane of career.

Seems a lot easy when we use to talk in schools about I want to be CA, Doctor, writer etc. But the path only gets difficult once we get close to the starting line. While getting ready to take the first leap, only one thing pops us in our mind and that is Career management.

A term which can be our changing point in our life. Today’s work field environment is changing at a higher pace, and the competition internally and externally is increasing. Our career takes a number of a higher and lower graph and it is often gloomy with future getting hard to predict.

At this period, getting a career management lessons can get you out from the hardest decision. But before that you need to strike a chord to your mind by asking a simple question, “am I ready for it?” In today’s world, the knowledge of management regarding your career can be obtained from Special Forces, which is known as Career management consultancy. They listen, understand, and at the end help us by showing us the path we need by providing adequate career development and training.

Organizations also, on the other hand, are evolving with their perceptions. Economic downsizing and restructuring have led to tremendous changes in a workforce environment, which concludes to lower job vacancies but at the same time, they need productivity in order to keep the corporate race going ahead.

This leads to internal growth of an employee who is skilled in his workplace, is known for his management skills by achieving career development and training, as an organization picks and promotes the individual to a higher level which gives both Employee and organization satisfaction.

Career management consultants are rare species in an environment like Manpower group and to choose the right one is a task of its own. In this leading race of finding jobs, Manpower group is leading with an example by providing the needed with right career management skills.