Ashton Cigars is one of the world’s premier cigar brands. Cigar enthusiast enjoys Their cigar brands in more than 60 countries across the globe. Since 1985, Ashton has built an overall reputation for consistency, for quality, and excellent taste. Made in the Dominican Republic, these rich cigars are handcrafted in the legendary Fuente factory. A delicious collection of aged Dominican tobaccos is married underneath lovely light Connecticut Shade wrapper leaf. Every Ashton stogie displays natural texture and color with a superb, velvety smoothness. The flavors are majestic, while the strength is mild and refined offering rich notes of almonds, cedar, and crème brulée. Ashton flaunts magnificent construction and remarkable flavor that is unparalleled among mild, Dominican cigars.
Ashton Cigars is recognized not only for its quality cigars but the massive options they have created. The Ashton Magnum offers a flavorful sumptuous smoke for the lovers with a smaller but thicker stogie on their mind. Somewhat shorter than the typical Robusto, the Magnum is loaded up with flavor and genuinely represents the excellence of Ashton.
Ashton cigars are the encapsulation of cigar complexity, and the Ashton Magnum is no exemption. Rich, yet satiny, this stogie will keep you coming back for more over and over. The term Magnum is utilized as a reverence to the great wines that are aged in the bigger “magnum” bottles. This connection to wine suggests the significance that Ashton puts on the quality and maturity of their cigars. The 5″ x 50 Magnum is stacked with flavors that run from nutmeg and spice to pepper and cedar and back again. Taking as much time as needed, you should enjoy the experience of this wine-like cigar for a firm 45 to 55 minutes.
One of the focal points of the Ashton Classic line, the Magnum is stuffed full with the most exceptional quality aged Dominican tobaccos that are then wearing a blonde Connecticut shade wrapper as mentioned earlier. The draw is an action in flawlessness, while the burn is calm and slow is. The large diameter appropriately delivers the flavors without relinquishing the smoothness of character. The result is mellow to a medium-bodied handmade masterpiece that epitomizes the immaculate balance profound, velvety smooth flavor alongside unobtrusive notes of sweet pepper spice.
The Ashton magnum is a stogie that will lift any moment from the perfect first light and will effectively locate a home in any humidor. From Ashton’s partnership with Tabacalera A. Fuente to their unchallenged desire for flawlessness, Ashton magnum is action in quality for every last one. A decent mellow smoke that moves a little toward medium at the end. It would go well with some coffee and the Sunday comics. It should be the first cigar to start your day with.